About Us

Let's get one thing clear! At Mercy Vintage, we love clothes and we love style, but we do not subscribe to one particular look and we do not follow what is fashionable. We cannot choose one decade, one designer or one anything because we like to mix it all together and we believe this is what creates great style.
It's not fast fashion, it's not driven by editors, it is that indescribable feeling when you mix things up and rock it! Our brick and mortar and Instagram are a reflection of us; what we wear everyday. We love the outrageous, we love the simplistic and we love quality.
What started as a way for us to upgrade our personal wardrobes has blossomed into a larger understanding that recycling clothes has an important impact on the planet. We believe that everyone should buy quality, buy less and invest in pieces that are not destined for landfills-which we believe that much of fast fashion is destined for. We personally wear second hand, local designer/artist, sustainable clothing and hope to encourage others to do the same. We also encourage crazy experimentation in the name of individual style and truly love to match people to the perfect piece!

       Our Team 



Karen (She/Her)

My name is Karen and I am the owner of Mercy Vintage. A few things about me. I am married to an extraordinary human named Grady, I am a fur baby mom to an adopted pup named Flossy who has made my heart grow exponentially, and I am a triple cancer...read as a very sensitive soul! Mercy has given me the opportunity to be a part of a most extraordinary community- our team (brings tears to my eyes when I think about the people who have crossed our path), our clients (the most loyal and loving) and the vintage world (some of my dearest friends). My love of vintage started as an obsession with thrifting and treasure hunting and has transformed into a life affirming, life changing adventure. Thank you #MercyVillage



T (They/Them)

I’ve never felt more apart of a community than I do here with Mercy. Being surrounded by one of a kind vintage, the privilege to work with some of the most amazing people and having the opportunity to style and connect with those that visit us. I’m honestly just a scatter brained thrifter whose interests are incredibly fickle and who's easily distracted...what am I doing here again? So yeah my name is T and uh that's all folks.





Colton (They/Them)

Oh hi! My name is Colton. I am new to the vintage/fashion world but am so excited to have been immersed in such a fun, challenging environment for the last couple years. Outside of Mercy, I really enjoy photography on an amateur level, brings me a lot of joy to go shoot when the light is just right. I have been playing music most of my life, and although my attention waxes & wanes, it's always been there for me as a creative outlet. I am terminally anxious & shy, but I promise I don't bite! Let's chat about music & find you that perfect fit that empowers you :)


Sarah (They/She)

hello, my name is sarah! i am an artist born and raised in the bay area. i’ve been dressing up since i could talk (my mom jokes that my first word was “no”). i am so excited to be a part of mercy and all of the joy, learning, history, and fun that comes with the job. in my free time, i love to buy cheese from the farmers’ market, drink orange wine, and read in the bathtub. i’m an aunt of three who is driven by art and i believe that fashion should be gorgeous and extravagant, because why not?!


Pat (They/Them)

Hello! I’m Pat, your ordinary nonbinary oracle with a third eye for beauty and a heart of gold! I enjoy wearing the wildest outfits i can, laughing too loud, and espresso martinis! A plethora of my inspiration comes from video games, music, history, fantasy and underground nightlife. It’s usually my goal to look like a main character of a show or game! At the end of the day everything I do is a testament to community, love, and expression. And it is my hope to help others unlock a freer, more liberated side of themselves to have more fun in life! Also, I’m a scorpio if that clears anything up.


Flossy (She/Her)

Flossy is our newest team member. She is a Capricorn, is ball obsessed and absolutely insists on sleeping in any and all piles of clothes we have about, no matter the condition. She is a love and looks forward to meeting all of you soon!